Wednesday, June 23, 2010

45 min workout and 40 min run

On Monday I was able to do a 45 min workout with situps, pushups, crunches, plank, side plank and stretches. This was the longest workout I have done so far and it felt really good.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to workout on Tuesday due to working late; but I did find time to do a 40 min run today which also felt good.

Advice: If you are obese or overweight and are looking to reduce weight and develop your muscles, my advice is to run less often than those fitness experts advise. I would suggest running a minimum of once a week and a maximum of 2 times a week; but on the other 5 or 6 days, you should workout (pushups, situps etc...) for at least 40 mins. This is because these exercises develop your muscles while reducing your fat too. Running-cadio reduces fat faster, but because your muscles are not developed, it is very difficult to run long distances before getting too tired to carry on; and you need to run long distances (30 mins at least) in order for the cardio to make a difference. But once your muscles are developed through the exercises, you will find running MUCH easier enabling you to run longer and faster a few months later. Running has other isues such as causing injuries (read my previous post), and I always recommend swimming as the cardio of choice for overweight people.

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