Thursday, June 9, 2011

40 min workout

Today I did a 40 min workout with pushups, squats, supermans, leg-raises, side-planks, crunches and lunges. I tried lunges and don't see much benefit. I don't know why it's recommended by fitness experts, but I barely sweat when I do a lunge. It seems like a waste of time. I highly doubt it, maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Anyway, I had to miss my workout yesterday because I had an appointment in the night. It really sucked and I couldn't wait until I got home today to do my workout. This is a very good sign and I am glad that I am in the frame of mind where I really look forward to a workout rather than treat a workout as a chore.

For those starting out with getting fit, let me tell you that the first few days are always the hardest. The key is to think about what you would you do with half an hour of your life if you were not working out. If the answer is browsing the internet or just watching TV, then working out stands out a clear better use of your time. Until you consciously think and do the comparison, you will not do your workout. It's as simple as that. For me anyway. I really struggled with my weight and was severely obese not too long ago. Now I am very close to actually being lean. It's been a long ride, but I've made a sense. Just a little more to go.

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