Wednesday, June 1, 2011

40 mins workout

Wow....I missed my workout yesterday because I had to work really late (Came home at 11pm). So today I decided to push myself as hard as possible. I managed to do a 40 min workout instead of my usual 30 min workout and I think I made up for yesterday a little. Tomorrow, I will push myself again and see if I can hit 40 mins of continuous workout. So in today's workout I managed to do stretches, pushups, squats, crunches, supermans, plank and leg-lifts.

In the meantime, I came across this article about the world's heaviest people...and boy do they look HUGE. You might ask how they let themselves go to such weights; but in reality it is so easy to just become fat. The human species has had to survive for millenia without sufficient food and has adapted to storing food whenever it can. Only recently has there been food in abundance on Earth - past 50 to100 years. So the natural state of the body is to store food and become as fat as possible. This therefore makes it a constant battle with the body for those of us who want to stay lean. This is why we need to work out EVERYDAY as much as possible to stay lean. For inspiration, please check out which has great interviews with champion athletes who share their stories with the website. These stories truly highlight the effort needed to maintain a lean physique and make us realize how hard we really need to work to stay lean and be shredded!

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